God sent his only Son to die on the cross and rise again in our place so that we might live. As followers of him, we bring our offerings to the Lord in joyful response to all he has given us with prayer and thanksgiving.
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
Ways to Give
Online: By clicking the GIVE button above, you can make a single donation or set up recurring donations for any listed funds. It is recommended that you set up a login to view your donations.
Check or Cash: Place envelopes in the offering plate, mail, or drop off a check at the church office. Envelopes are available upon request from the office. Offerings placed in the offering basket without an envelope will not be recorded on a Giving Statement.
Mobile App: Download the Vanco Mobile app to your mobile phone and donate to St. Paul’s anytime, anywhere.
Text Giving: Text the dollar amount you wish to give (remember to use the $ sign) to (608) 371-6891. You will be directed to a web form to enter your contact and payment information—tap process. You will receive a verification text and a receipt via email.
For more giving options, such as stock transfers or retirement distributions, contact Operations Manager Lydia Walter at 608-783-2552 ext. 233.
Wish List
If you would like to give towards any of these items, please contact our church office at 608-783-2552 or email admin@stpaulsonalaska.org
For projects and ministry items beyond regular budgeted expenses, St. Paul's has established a wish list for funding to be requested.